






In i-bem.js, two types of events are supported:

DOM events should be used only in internal block procedures. Use BEM events for a block interaction with the external environment (other blocks).

Delegating events

Handling BEM events and DOM events can be delegated to a container (the entire document, or a specific DOM node). In this case, the container serves as a handling point for events that occur on any of its child nodes, even if some of the child nodes didn't exist yet at the time of subscribing to events.

For example, a menu block can contain nested blocks — the menu items. Handling clicks on the menu items should logically be delegated to the menu block. First, this saves resources on subscribing to events (less resources are consumed by subscribing to a container single event than by subscribing to many events on elements). Second, this makes it possible to add and remove menu items without subscribing to the events of added items or unsubscribing from the events of removed items.

Both BEM events and DOM events can be delegated.

DOM events

Interaction with DOM events in i-bem.js is fully implemented using the jQuery framework.

Subscribing to DOM events

A set of methods for subscribing to DOM events is reserved on the block instance object:


At initialization of the block instance my-block, the click event is subscribed to. When this event occurs, the block sets its size modifier to big.

BEMDOM.decl('my-block', {
    onSetMod : {
        'js' : {
            'inited': function() {
                this.bindTo('click', function(e) {
                    this.setMod('size', 'big');


At initialization of the block instance my-form, it subscribes to the click event on the submit element. When the event occurs, the _onSubmit handler function will be invoked.

BEMDOM.decl('my-block', {
    onSetMod : {
        'js' : {
            'inited': function() {
                this.bindTo('submit', 'click', this._onSubmit);

    _onSubmit : function() { /* ... */ }

Note The handler function is executed in the context of the block instance where the event occurred.

Removing subscriptions to DOM events

Subscriptions to DOM events are removed automatically when a block instance is destroyed. However, the block instance object has a set of methods reserved for removing subscriptions manually while the block is working:

If the handler function isn't specified when calling one of these methods, all the handlers are removed that were set by the block on the DOM node for this event.

_stopKeysListening : function() {
    this.unbindFromDoc('keydown');  // removing all the handlers of the 'keydown' event
                                    // set by the block for the 'document' DOM node

DOM event object

The first argument the handler function gets is a jQuery object for the DOM event — {jQuery.Event}.

This allows using the stopPropagation and preventDefault object methods for managing event propagation and the browser reaction to an event.

BEMDOM.decl('my-block', {
    onSetMod : {
        'js' : {
            'inited': function() {
                this.bindTo('click', function(e) {
                    e.stopPropаgation(); // prevents the event from bubbling up

    _onSubmit : function() {
        /* ... */

A DOM event can be generated manually, such as using the jQuery trigger function. After the event object, the handler function of the DOM event gets arguments with the parameters that were used to call trigger when the event was created.

Note Parameters for the environment and behavior of an event handler function are identical to the jQuery handler function.

Delegating DOM events

We recommend using the liveBindTo([elem], event, handler) method to delegate handling DOM events. In the block static declaration methods, the live property is reserved for subscribing to delegated DOM events.


All instances of the menu block subscribe to the delegated click DOM event for their item elements. The _onItemClick method of the menu block instance will be invoked when any item in the menu is clicked. It doesn't matter whether this item existed when the instance was initialized.

BEMDOM.decl('menu', {
    _onItemClick : function(e) { /* ... */ }
}, {
    live : function() {
        this.liveBindTo('item', 'click', function(e) {

If the live property is set in the block declaration, the initialization of block instances will be deferred until the moment when the block instance is needed (lazy initialization). This moment could be a DOM event on the block instance that was delegated the subscription, or a request sent to the block instance from another block.

Note A handler function is executed in the context of the nearest block of this type in the direction of the DOM event bubbling (from bottom to top through the DOM tree).

To use delegated events in a block without deferring initialization, the function set in the live property should return false:

modules.define('my-block', ['i-bem__dom'], function(provide, BEMDOM) {

        _onClick: function() { /* ... */ }  // will be run each time
                                            // the 'click' event occurs
        live: function() {
            this.liveBindTo('click', function() { this._onClick() });
            return false; // block instances will be initialized automatically


BEM events

In contrast to DOM events, BEM events are not generated on DOM elements, but on block instances. Block elements can't generate BEM events.

Generating BEM events

The emit(event, [data]) method of a block instance is used for generating BEM events.

DOM events occur when a user interacts with a block controls. BEM events can be created as part of their processing by the block. This allows a level of abstraction over DOM events. BEM events are generated as a reaction to DOM events, but subject to certain conditions, such as whether a modifier is present or has a specific value.

For example, a click on the submit button (the click DOM event) will generate the click BEM event only if the block doesn't have the disabled modifier set:

BEMDOM.decl('submit', {
    onSetMod: {
        'js': {
            'inited': function() {
                this.bindTo('click', this._onClick); // subscribing to the "click" DOM event

    _onClick: function() {
        if(!this.hasMod('disabled')) {
            this.emit('click'); // creating the "click" BEM event

You can pass any data as the second emit argument, which will be accessible as the second argument of the handler function.

Subscribing to BEM events

The on(event, [data], handler, [handlerCtx]) method of a block instance is used for subscribing to BEM events on block instances.


At initialization of an HTML form (an instance of the my-form block), a search is performed for the submit button embedded in the form, and its click BEM event is subscribed to. As a result, when the button (an instance of the submit block) is clicked, the _onSubmit method is executed for the form (the instance of the my-form block).

BEMDOM.decl('my-form', {
    onSetMod: {
        'js': {
            'inited': function() {
                    'click', // name of the BEM event
                    this._onSubmit, // method of the 'my-form' block instance
                    this); // context for executing _onSubmit — the my-form block

    _onSubmit: function() { /* ... */ }

Note If you don't pass the [handlerCtx] argument, the context for the handler function will be the block where the BEM event occurred (in the example above, this is the submit block).

Removing subscriptions to BEM events

Subscriptions to BEM events are removed automatically when the block instance is destroyed. To remove a subscription manually, use the un(event, [handler], [handlerCtx]) method of the block instance.

Events when modifiers are changed

Use the on(event, [data], handler, [handlerCtx]) block instance method for subscribing to BEM events for changes to a modifier of a block or element. The method accepts the arguments:

The object describing the modifier can contain the following reserved properties:


At initialization, the form block subscribes to the event of changing a modifier on the nested submit block. For example, subscriptions can be for:

Delegating BEM events

Delegating BEM events means that the block subscribes to a particular BEM event on all instances of the block with the specified name in the scope of the specified context.

Subscribing to delegated BEM events is performed using the MyBlock.on([ctx], event, [data], handler, [handlerCtx]) static method of the block class.


During initialization of the menu block instance, it subscribes to the click BEM event on all links (instances of the link block) in the scope of the block DOM node (this.domElem). The current block instance is passed as the handler function context.

modules.define('menu', ['i-bem__dom', 'link'], function(provide, BEMDOM, Link) {

    onSetMod : {
        'js' : {
            'inited' : function() {
                Link.on( // subscribing to BEM event
                    this.domElem, // container — the DOM node of the 'menu' block instance
                    'click', // BEM event
                    this._onLinkClick, // handler
                    this); // handler context — an instance of the 'menu' block

            '' : function() {
                Link.un( // unsubscribing from the BEM event

    _onLinkClick : function(e) {
        var clickedLink = e.target; // instance of the 'link' block
                                    // where the 'click' BEM event occurred


Any BEM events can be delegated, including events for changes to modifiers.

Note Unsubscribing from delegated BEM events never happens automatically. Subscriptions should always be removed explicitly using the block static method un([ctx], event, [handler], [handlerCtx]).

BEM event object

When invoked, a handler function gets an argument with an object describing the BEM event. The BEM event object class events.Event is defined in the ym module of events in the bem-core library. This object contains the fields:

For more information about properties and methods of a BEM event object, see the documentation for the 'events' block.