There is an organisation on github called bem-incubator.
And this organisation is joined by more and more BEM community developers who uses BEM technology inside their projects and wants to develop technology together with us and maintain it together.
There are some recent projects:
- ng-bem-components by @Guria — it's a wrapper that helps using bem-components on Angular. You can see how it works here.
- enb-ng-techs by @Guria as well provides technologies ng-annotate and ng-templates to build Angular-powered projects with ENB.
- bem-flux by @sameoldmadness — its realisation of FLUX paradigm for bem-core.
- html2bemjson by @tadatuta allows converting HTML code to BEMJSON. New version of the package was baked recently.
- @awinogradov baked major release bem-grid 2.0.0 in the frames of which grid has moved to using lost.
- bem-scrollspy by @kompolom — its realisation of scrollspy on i-bem.js.
If you have useful tools and libraries based on BEM technologies, join our BEM incubator!