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Hi everybody,

Briefly about the main events in the BEM world over the last 4 months with the beginning of the year.

Libraries news

  • RC of the next major release of bem-core — 4.0.0-rc.1. The main changes concerned the improvement of i-bem.js. If you are ready — you can check this release on your projects. The stable version will be released soon. Don't forget to tell us about all the detected bugs.
  • major version of bem-components 3.0.0 that works with bem-core 3.0.1. Despite the fact that the release is major, update should be painless.
  • bem-history 3.2.0. The main change is a support for bem-core 3.x in bower.json. And, of course, a few bug fixes included.
  • renamed the organization bem-incubtaror in bem-contrib. New name much better reflects the organization's mission. If you use (or develop) any packages, you should update the paths to the repository (some time github supports redirects automatically). You can use the user manual.

Technology news

  • released two major and dozens of minor releases bem-xjst. The latest version is 6.5.1 Key changes:
    • implemented support for ES6 arrow functions
    • made optional content escaping
    • supported JS-binding for elements
    • made mode to render the HTML without the /:
      instead of
    • removed some deprecated methods and functions.

Read more about all the changes in the release notes, which are written in detail to each release: https://github.com/bem/bem-xjst/releases.


Released ENB 1.3

Worked on the plugins for the ENB:

Site news

  • recently, we have partially updated our website bem.info — it became more modern, fast and beautiful
  • rolled out the Ukrainian version https://uk.bem.info, the translations into other languages will appear soon.

Events (only in Russian)

  • tadatuta@ held a webinar on three-tier architecture services on bem-xjst
  • Did two reports on Yandex.Subbotnik (frontend conference): https://events.yandex.ru/events/yasubbotnik/27-feb-2016/
  • Held another hackathon at the BEM, advanced modular Assembly and came up with a way to make friends BEMHTML-templates with React.

Interesting on the forum (in Russian)

Thank's and stay BEM'ed!