- BEM - Methodology to enable reuse in front-end development, 2018
- Tame Unruly Style Sheets With These Three CSS Methodologies, 2017
- BEM by Example, 2017
- Introducing BEM: The popular CSS naming convention, 2017
- The BEMIT naming convention, 2016
- BEMantic: DRY Like You Mean It, 2016
- Battling BEM CSS: 10 Common Problems And How To Avoid Them, 2016
- A CSS Guideline Tutorial: BEM with Sass, 2016
- To BEM or not to BEM. A series of interviews on BEM methodology, 2016
- Generate responsive BEMIT classes with SASS, 2016
- BEM & Atomic Design: A CSS Architecture Worth Loving, 2016
- CSS at BBC Sport (Part 1), 2016
- Enhancing modular design with BEM, 2016
- Battling BEM (Extended Edition): 10 Common Problems And How To Avoid Them, 2016
- Working with BEM at Scale, 2015
- Chainable BEM modifiers, 2015
- Working with BEM at Scale — Advice From Top Developers, 2015
- CSS Architecture: BEMCSS — Block, Element & Modifier, 2015
- BEM Guidelines for component focused development, 2015
- CSS BEM Syntax Basics, 2015
- BEM and SMACSS: Advice From Developers Who’ve Been There, 2015
- BEM 101, 2015
- BEM for CSS - An Introduction, 2015
- BEM naming convention, 2015
- BEM (Block element modifier) - CSS Methodologies Part 3, 2015
- How I stopped worrying and learned to love the CSS with BEM, 2015
- Keeping the Front-End Modular with BEM, 2015
- Side Effects in CSS, 2015
- Learning to Love BEM, 2015
- Building My Health Skill — Part 3, 2014
- Sassier (BE)Modifers, 2014
- Modular CSS with Sass & BEM, 2014
- An Introduction to the BEM Methodology, 2014
- bemhtml language support in Atom, 2014
- Scaling Down The BEM Methodology For Small Projects, 2014
- GitHub's CSS, 2014
- Expressive BEM with Sass: a different approach, 2015
- BEM modifiers: multiple classes vs @extend, 2014
- CSS class naming and BEM: Contemporary practice, 2014
- How to BEM, 2014
- Generating BEM selectors with CSS preprocessors, 2014
- BEM It! for Brandwatch, 2014
- BEM Basics, 2014
- BEM, SASS and Bootstrap: how to mix everything up in a smart way?, 2014
- Refining The Way We Structure Our CSS At Trello, 2014
- Used and Abused – CSS Inheritance and Our Misuse of the Cascade, 2014
- How We’re Using Modules to Organize Our Front-End Code, 2014
- A style-guide for modular SASS development using SMACSS and BEM, 2013
- The Evolution Of The BEM Methodology, 2013
- How to Scale and Maintain Legacy CSS with Sass and SMACSS, 2013
- MindBEMding – getting your head ’round BEM syntax, 2013
- Fifty Shades of BEM, 2013
- Making HTML Dropdowns Not Suck, 2013
- How I improved my workflow with SMACSS & SASS, 2013
- Block, Element, Modifie, 2013
- Starting to Write CSS, 2013
- 4 ways to create CSS that's modular and scalable, 2013
- A BEM syntax with UX in mind, 2013
- BEM Style Naming for Sass Color Variables?! What?!, 2013
- CSS guidelines, 2012
- BEM: A New Front-End Methodology, 2012
Another BEM resources lists