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We are happy to announce our next minor release of bem-core library — v2.8.0 — that contains of important and long-awaited changes.

Major changes

The biggest and most significant change is the release of i18n block for internalisation (translation) of your interfaces (#1074). This block has an universal API to work with JS and templates and could be used both in browsers and in node.js environment.

Internationalisation-powered build-related documentation could be found in a build package called enb-bem-i18n (Russian only, translation is coming).

Besides, jQuery is loaded via https by default (#1202) and there is no bemhtml-compat dependancy (#1186) any longer — we deleted it. If you use bem-tools, please, proceed with npm i bemhtml-compat --save to install the package on a project level.

Bug fixes and other changes

Following bug fixes and changes we released as well:

  • Bug in loader_type_js that allowed undefined handler calls (#1159) fixed.
  • BH bundles in dist now mimic to BEMHTML (#1210).
  • bem create templates for bemhtml, bemtree, vanilla.js and browser.js (#1183) were improved.
  • vow updated up to 0.4.10 (#1056).

The complete history of other changes could be found in bem-core library releases' changelog.

Pleasant migrating and Stay BEMed!