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Back in December 2014 we announced a freeze of build with a help of bem make command of bem-tools. However, since that time we have released minor updates with some improvements.

As we have written already we decided to do so because we switched to build with ENB.

Today we can confirm that ENB supports all options of bem make and even more. Besides, it works faster and is being developed by leaps and bounds (soon you will be expecting major releases of the most popular packages).

What's inside bem-tools v0.10.0?

Inside we have done a fallback that in absence of .bem/make.js will search for ENB config and will launch it under the hood. In other words launch of bem make out of bem-tools runs enb make, and launch of bem server runs enb server.

Such a way allows us to preserve its usual API and an option to use the rest of the commands of bem-tools (for instance, bem create) when users need them.

Also in the future it will give us an opportunity to add other useful modules to work with files according to BEM methodology in the common wrapper.

We continue to suggest you to switch to ENB build if you still haven't done it yet.

The simplest way to do so is to check the config sample within the project-stub and if you have diffuculties, ask on our forum.

Bon appetit and Stay BEMed!