I've adopted the directory organization where each block and element have their own directories. The problem with this apprach is that when I have a style like this:
.tile__textual-part {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
I do not have a choice but to repeat the same style definition in both tile__icon-wrapper.sass
and tile__textual-part.sass
Is there a sensible way to get rid of this redundant repetition and still adhere to BEM's principles?
The best way to use post-processors like csso
, autoprefixeror postcss with optimizing plugins. In that way you don't need to collapse styles manually and don't need to think about your mixes in code base.Hope this helps.
Apart from the fact that CSS optimizers will do the trick as @zxqfox said, there are some other options:
are always there, you may keep their styles together intile.sass
(see https://en.bem.info/method/filesystem/#optional-elements-and-modifiers-are-stored-in-separate-files).Now you may keep common styles in
.@zxqfox, thanks for pointing my to postcss - I had a read on it and can see already that it will be a next big thing! Howver, it does not solve the problem really since I write sass, and collapses are still dificult to reflect in my dir structure.
@tadatuta, I like the idea of having a mix to hold common styles - it sure solves the problem.
@ltarasiewicz I don't see any troubles with connecting your resulting files (from sass) to postcss before releasing. Like
;-)But agree that solution with mixes is better for this concrete case.