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I am using BEM for the first time in my latest project, using SASS and I love it. A lot of refactoring going on, however. One thing that I have not solved is the following, very common situation:

I have a block with a modifier, let's say .block, and .block_wide. In .block_wide there are multiple elements that will get minor tweaks depending on what block they are in. For example .block__image has to get a 100% width when the block is .block_wide. How to write this, preferably in scss?

This is the HTML situation:

<div class="block">
  <div class="block__image"></div>
<div class="block block_wide">
  <div class="block__image" /></div>

These are some wrong answers I came up with:

.block {
  &__image { width: 50%; }

// Block level modifier
  &_wide {
    &__image { // This does not work because it results in an entirely new class that is not used in the markup
      width: 100%;

In the previous "solution" I'm trying to write it the way I would like it to work but obviously it doesn't.

The next solution works but it feels absolutely wrong:

.block {
  &__image { 
    width: 50%;
    .block_wide & {
      width: 100%;

// Block level modifier 
  &_wide {} // Nothing here

Now there is no clarity in the source css at all and very quickly this will get out of hand. I'm probably trying to use BEM in a way that it's not meant to be used. If someone could enlighten me on the matter!

I have a question concerning styles for generic blocks in BEM (for instance .button) vs Media Queries.

The block in BEM (as documentation says) is supposed to have generic styles which will be applicable to all elements on site, let's say I have a ".button" block...

And my button will have reusable styles like:

.button {
    padding:30px 20px;

The purpose of that generic button is so that if I were to make "another" button, say "welcome button" with different styles I can write modificator button--welcome which will only add additional styles to .button which at the end will look like this:

<button class="button button--welcome"> </button>

This is where Media Queries PROBLEM comes in. Padding defined in my generic .button can be different for different media queries (I am using border-box so padding are internal styles for .button). For instance padding for max-width:480px can be padding: 10px 5px; Does it mean that I should NOT include padding in my generic .button block because .button will no longer be generic? Or, I can do something like this (but I wonder whether it is valid BEM way):

.button {
     @media and (max-width: 480px) {
     padding:10px 5px;}
     @media and (max-width: 780px) {
     padding:15px 10px;
     @media and (max-width: 1200px) {
     padding:20px 15px;
     @media and (min-width: 1201px) {
     padding:30px 20px;

Also, I've seen some generic .button blocks with the following code:

.button {
  padding: 0.75em 1.25em;
  border-radius: 4px;
  background-color: green;
  color: white;
  font-size: 1em;
  line-height: 1.5em;
  transition: all 0.15s ease-in-out;

The issue of generic block styles vs media queries arises in the case of border width, line-height which can be different for different media queries.

I've seen the documentation about external geometry/positioning, but padding is not external geometry: https://en.bem.info/methodology/css/#external-geometry-and-positioning

My issue here is different.

What is your opinion on USING SMACSS STATE CLASSES FOR COMMON MODIFIERS as suggested in this article?


Hello, I just started with BEM and really like it. I just have an issue with the following code and hope someone can help me out.

This is my sample code

<nav class="books">
  <ul class="books__lists">
    <li class="books__items"><a href="/"  class="books__links">Sidebar link</a></li>

How I am lost to what the link should really be called? Since the li is under the block of books_lists now sure what the link class should be?! I have a design with a lot of different link styles, so is it better to have something like link-books?

Thank you and keep up the good work. Jim.

How does BEM work with Bootstrap´s .container and .row classes? Say if I have a block called .design-news with a background image that spans the entire page and then a .container and .row under that block which would center my content, can I just keep the default classes or does it have to be .design-news__container and .design-news__row?

Which is better:

<article class="news">
  <div class="news__image">image</div>
   <div class="news__details">
     <h1>News title</h1>
     <p>News story</p>


<article class="news">
  <div class="news__image">image</div>
   <div class="news__details">
     <h1 class="news__details-title">News title</h1>
     <p class="news__details-story">News story</p>

Please note: .news__details-title and .news__details-story have no real style as I already have a base style for all my H1s and P tags, so with BEM, can I just add phantom classes to make the markup look more readable? Or go with the first example? Personally I like option 2...

Hello everyone, Just started with BEM and was a bit stuck on how to use it the right way, I have the following code:

<header class="header">
  <div class="header__logo">logo</div>
  <div  class="header__navigation">
    <nav class="header__navigation main-menu">
      <ul class="main-menu">
        <li class="main-menu__list">
          <a href="" class="main-menu__link">link</a>
        <li class="main-menu__list">
          <a href="" class="main-menu__link--active">link</a>
        <li class="main-menu__list">
          <a href="" class="main-menu__link">link</a>

Is this the correct use of BEM? As I understand not to nest too deep, so if I wanted to have a new block within an element you can use the mix feature?

Also I wanted to keep .main-menu reusable so I can move the main menu from the header to the sidebar if needed one day.

I hope I got it right :)

Hi there.. i'm just beginning with BEM and love the concept but struggling a bit around with nested blocks. I want to build some kind of responsive teaser with a few elements inside.

This is what my html looks like:

<div class="teaser">

  <div class="teaser__background">

  <div class="teaser__featured-product"></div>

  <div class="teaser-content"> <!-- what about this correct naming and its children-elements? -->

    <div class="teaser-titles"> <!--same question here -->
      <p class="teaser-title__overline"></p>
      <h1 class="teaser-title__headline"></h1>
      <h2 class="teaser-title__subline"></h2>

    <div class="teaser-content__text">
      <p>Lorem ipsum..</p>

    <div class="teaser-content__legal">
      <p>1) Some terms...</p>

    <div class="teaser-content__manufacturer-logo"></div>


  <div class="teaser__ribbon"></div>


Inside of teaser I want to keep my content together in one block teaser-content for better positioning. So what would be the correct naming for the teaser-content-wrapper and then the following child-element teaser-titles?

I thought about a bit different version for example:

<div class="teaser-content">

    <!-- <div class="teaser-titles"> --> <!-- maybe we don't need it? -->
      <p class="teaser__title teaser__title--overline"></p>
      <h1 class="teaser__title teaser__title--headline"></h1>
      <h2 class="teaser__title teaser__title--subline"></h2>
    <!-- </div> -->

But questions are still the same. Hope really you can help me because this drives me crazy.

Greetings from the rainy Hamburg (Germany)

Hi, This is probably very basic question but I'm not sure I saw something about that.

How is best way to move from website design into BEM structure?

I mean, how to fast identify all blocks, find what names should be and build structure efficiently?



I'm newbie in BEM and trying to use it in my workflow but I'm not sure how solve that problem.

I would like to create simple layout and position all elements i.e. something like this:

<div class="main-window">
    <div class="gallery">
        <!-- Here is gallery content -->
    <div class="story">
        <!-- Here is story content -->

Should I style .gallery and .story with position and dimension properties or maybe should I nest them in .main-window elements. Something like that:

<div class="main-window">
    <div class="main-window__gallery-wrapper>
        <div class="gallery">
            <!-- Here is gallery content -->
    <div class="main-window__story-wrapper>
        <div class="gallery">
            <!-- Here is story content -->

Now I can separate .gallery and .story styling from their position because I can define size and position with .main-window elements

.main-window__gallery-wrapper {
    width: 500px;
    margin: 0 auto;
.gallery {
    /* formatting without size and position */
.main-window__story-wrapper {
    width: 500px;
    margin: 30px auto;
.story {
    /* formatting without size and position */

Sorry for (probably) such a simple question but I didn't find answer for that.


Hi, I'm creating simple input with icon. I have common block for all inputs, named 'input' that is setting padding alongside of another styles, like color, border, etc. For input with icon, I’ve created another block named ‘input-icon’. In order to create space for the icon, I must override left padding in the input when used in ‘input-icon’ block. To do this, I’ve created input modifier ‘input—with-icon’. But now I have tied blocks where if someone uses ‘input-icon’, he must remember to also put ‘input—with-icon’ modifier on the input. Is there any better way? Thanks.

<div class="input-icon">
    <span class="input-icon__icon">X</span>
    <input class="input-icon__input input input--with-icon">
.input {
    padding: 7px 7px;
.input--with-icon {
    padding-left: 30px;
.input-icon {
    position: relative;
.input-icon__icon {
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 1;
    left: 7px;
    /* .. */

Hello, I'm new to BEM and I want to get opinion on something, so lets say I have blog post, in blog post we have title, badge, summary, figure ... below is the example of my html

    <div class="post">
        <h1 class="post__title">This is title</h1> 
        <summary class="post__summary">
            Some text here
        <figure class="post__figure figure">
            <img class="figure__image" src="">  
            <figcaption class="figure__caption">Some text</div> 

So should I do .post_figure and then inside .post__figure__image and .post__figure__caption or should i create new block like in example?

Hi there,

I have a navigation list, each items will need unique styling such as an icon/image applied to it. I've seen this handled a couple of different ways so I thought I'd put it to the forum and gets peoples thoughts on it. The standard mark-up would be something like this:

<nav class="site-nav">
    <ul class="site-nav__list">
        <li class="site-nav__item"><a href="#" class="site-nav__link">Schools</a></li>
        <li class="site-nav__item"><a href="#" class="site-nav__link">Users</a></li>

Originally I thought I'd use a modifier and add classes like site-nav__item--users for example. But quite a few sites I've looked at use an element instead, so site-nav__users. So in full...

<nav class="site-nav">
    <ul class="site-nav__list">
        <li class="site-nav__item site-nav__schools"><a href="#" class="site-nav__link">Schools</a></li>
        <li class="site-nav__item site-nav__users"><a href="#" class="site-nav__link">Users</a></li>

What's the thinking behind this and is there a right/wrong answer? Thanks in advance!


I've been using the BEM approach for front-end web development a couple of years now (and it's just great!) but only yesterday I started to try out the BEMHTML template language. So far I like it a lot!

There's a couple of things though that I can't yet wrap my head around and can't find anything about in the docs either. So I hope to have some more luck here and hopefully also help others that might be facing the same problems.

Basically I would like to know how to be able to add custom CSS for a webpage that isn't directly block related. For example declarations for webfonts, normalize/reset css code, etc. I would still like to be able to use Stylus as preprocessor and have bem-tools generate and minify this CSS together with my blocks' CSS.

The same question goes for JS. What is the correct way to add JS libraries and custom JS code, preferably maintaining the possibility to have this combined/concatenated with the block level JS?

Thanks! :)

Hi all again! :)

I don't know if this is strcit a BEM question. Can I reuse just some parts of blocks?. Is a copy+paste thing and I think it's not a good idea.. :S

With this block

<div class="newsletter">
    <div class="newsletter__title">Newsletter</div>
    <div class="newsletter__subtitle">This is the newsletter subtitle</div>

Can I use just this in other parts of the interface:

<div class="newsletter">
    <div class="newsletter__title">Newsletter</div>

Or I need to create for example a modifier like newsletter--no-subtitle and hide it

<div class="newsletter newsletter--no-subtitle">
    <div class="newsletter__title">Newsletter</div>
    <div class="newsletter__subtitle">This is the newsletter subtitle</div>

Thanks you!!

Hi all! here I go again :) In the code below, how I should name the #### div?

I don't want to name it header__title because it doesn't reflect very well the DOM relation, and since BEM doesn't recommend nesting elements (And I don't really like too) it can't be header__rrss__title

So sorry for this silly question, I read all documentation FAQ's and I can't find any solutions :S

Thanks in advance,


<div class="header">
  <div class="header__logo logo">
    <div class="logo__foo"></div>
  <div class="header__rrss">    
    <p class="####"></p>  
    <div class="rrss-icons">
      <div class="rrss-icons__title"></div>

Hi all!

I've an issue with triple modifiers and I can't resolve without combine classes selectors :S. I have this button block:

<!--Button Block-->
<button type="button" class="button button--main button--outlined button--disabled">Ok</button>

and css (I remove some properties to save space in the post)

.button {
  color: white;
  background-color: blue;

.button--main {
  font-size: 26px;

.button--outlined {
  background-color: transparent;
  box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 0px 4px blue;

Now I need a button--disabled modifier to shade to gray the button appeareance, but really I need two button--disabled because I need to shade to gray the border if button--outlined is used or the background if button--filled is used.

Do I need outlined and filled buttons in two separate blocks?

Thanks you! :)

So in my scss framework I define sizes gradually with a sass map with keys from xs to xxxl. So I can do things like creating button modifier classes from xs padding to xxxl padding in an each loop. In the case of a button it is pretty straight forward I have a button block class with a background color some padding and so forth. In the loop I create modifier classes looking like .button--xxl { padding: 2em; }. That makes sense - I have a base block class with all its stylings and I have a modifier class modifying a very specific aspect of the block class.

But now comes my "problem" - I have an .island block class which looks like this: .island { padding: 1.5em; } the modifier classes look like .island--xxl { padding: 2em; }. So the modifier class completely overrides the block class. In the case of the island class it may be a possibility to use a utility class instead - something like .u-padding-xxl { padding: 2em; }? But I have a second example:

.grid--spaced-horizontal {
  margin-left: -1.5em;
  > .grid__item {
    padding-left: 1.5em;

.grid--spaced-horizontal--xl {
  margin-left: -2em;
  > .grid__item {
    padding-left: 2em;

Again, it bothers me that the modifier class completely overrides the block class. I don't want to have <div class="grid grid--spaced-horizontal grid--spaced-horizontal--xl"></div> in my code when grid--spaced-horizontal is completely pointless.

What do you guys think about my problem? Am I completely on the wrong track?

Before (attempting) to use BEM, I'd mark my forms up something like this:


    <h3 class="title">Form Heading <small>(if small tag is added)</small></h3>
    <p>Short paragraph of text...</p>

    <div class="form-group">
        <label class="label">Username <em>*</em></label>
        <div class="form-controls">
            <input type="text" />
    <div class="form-group error">
        <label class="label">Email address <em>*</em></label>
        <div class="form-controls">
            <input type="text" />
    <div class="form-group">
        <label class="label">Label</label>
        <div class="form-controls">
            <input type="text"  placeholder="" />
    <div class="form-group">
        <label class="label">Label</label>
        <div class="form-controls">
            <label class="radio"><input type="radio" name="radio" checked="checked" /> Option One</label>
            <label class="radio"><input type="radio" name="radio" /> Option Two</label>


It seems, obvious to use form__group instead of form-group and form__controls instead of form-controls. Using elements like this, the form would NEED a class of form on it - otherwise it makes no sense? Seems a bit strange on a default element though, I've not used <ul class="list"> for example, just <ul class="list--bordered"> for example.

I've created some quick, updated mark-up below, would this be acceptable?

<form class="form"> 

    <h3 class="form__title">Form Heading <small>(if small tag is added)</small></h3>
    <p>Short paragraph of text...</p>

    <div class="form__group">
        <label class="form__group-title">Username <em>*</em></label>
        <div class="form__controls">
            <input type="text" />
    <div class="form__group error">
        <label class="form__group-title">Email address <em>*</em></label>
        <div class="form__controls">
            <input type="text" />
    <div class="form__group">
        <label class="form__group-title">Label</label>
        <div class="form__controls">
            <input type="text"  placeholder="" />
    <div class="form__group">
        <label class="form__group-title">Label</label>
        <div class="form__controls">
            <label class="form__radio"><input type="radio" name="radio" checked="checked" /> Option One</label>
            <label class="form__radio"><input type="radio" name="radio" /> Option Two</label>


Thanks again!


I have a big disscusson with my colleague and would love to get your feedback.

I am building a website and have seen some areas, wich are reusable. They share the same HTML construct and looks similar. Example:

    <nav class="navigation navigation_main">
        <ul class="navigation__list">
            <li class="navigation__item"><a class="navigation__link">Item 1</a></li>
            <li class="navigation__item"><a class="navigation__link">Item 2</a></li>
            <li class="navigation__item"><a class="navigation__link">Item 3</a></li>
        <nav class="navigation navigation_meta">
            <ul class="navigation__list">
                <li class="navigation__item"><a class="navigation__link"><span class="svg-icon svg-icon_search"></span></a></li>
                <li class="navigation__item navigation__item_active"><a class="navigation__link">DE</a></li>
                <li class="navigation__item"><a class="navigation__link">EN</a></li>

My colleague says, that the navigations have to be named different:

    <nav class="main-navigation">
        <ul class="main-navigation__list">
            <li class="main-navigation__item"><a class="main-navigation__link">Item 1</a></li>
            <li class="main-navigation__item"><a class="main-navigation__link">Item 2</a></li>
            <li class="main-navigation__item"><a class="main-navigation__link">Item 3</a></li>
    <nav class="meta-navigation">
        <ul class="meta-navigation__list">
            <li class="meta-navigation__item"><a class="meta-navigation__link"><span class="svg-icon svg-icon_search"></span></a></li>
            <li class="meta-navigation__item meta-navigation__item_active"><a class="meta-navigation__link">DE</a></li>
            <li class="meta-navigation__item"><a class="meta-navigation__link">EN</a></li>

The navigations (there are some additional navigation in the footer and for social media icons, too) looks very similar. They differ in font size and paddings/margins. I see great advance in the first solution, because it is very modular and reusable. The end code is smaller. My colleague says, nesting (i.e. .navigation_meta .navigation__item{}) is evil and should be avoided, whenever possible (i.e .meta-navigation__item{}).

Who is right?


I've adopted the directory organization where each block and element have their own directories. The problem with this apprach is that when I have a style like this:

.tile__textual-part {
    display: table-cell;
    vertical-align: middle;

I do not have a choice but to repeat the same style definition in both tile__icon-wrapper.sass and tile__textual-part.sass.

Is there a sensible way to get rid of this redundant repetition and still adhere to BEM's principles?

Hey all!

I made a couple of silly, simple little snippets to detect improper usage of Elements and Modifiers.

Very simple, not necessarily failsafe or bulletproof, but a quick ’n’ dirty start. I need to DRY them out and roll them into one at some point as well.

I was wondering why you chose to define an element entirely using classes in the HTML instead of breaking shared functionality into placeholders / mixins (to use Sass as an example). Is it because you don't use a preprocessor?

If we take the example of a list, it might look like:

<ul class="ui-list horizontal-list resource-list gallery-list"></ul>

In this situation, why is this better than a single class:

<ul class="gallery-list"></ul>

With that class composed from placeholders:

.gallery-list {
  @extend %ui-list;
  @extend %horizontal-list;
  @extend %resource-list;

  // Gallery List specific styles

Do you see this as potentially beneficial?

What is the correct way of naming items in a list when the item itself has subcomponents. Is it the case that the item should be classed both as a child block of the list and as its own component? Is the following example correct?

<div class="news-feed">
  <h3 class="news-feed__title">…</h3>
  <ul class="news-feed__list">
     <li class="news-feed__list-item news-feed-list-item">
        <h4 class="news-feed-list-item__title">…</h4>
        <img class="news-feed-list-item__thumbnail">

Question from https://github.com/fabm22: Hi, is there some tooling for checking the structure of CSS code following BEM approach and having and some warnings if there are errors? Thanks a lot

I am large

.button {border-radius:5px;}

As you see in the example above i have a block named "button". I want to reuse the block "button" inside another block "button-group".

However when a button is used within a "button-group" block i would like to apply some slight modifications.

  • The left button should have radius only on the left.
  • The middle button should have no radius.
  • The right button should have radius on the right only.

How should I do this? The straight forward way for me would be:

.button-group .button {border-radius:0;} .button-group .button:first-child {border-left-radius:5px;} .button-group .button:last-child {border-right-radius:5px;}


Hi, some time ago jQuery team asked us about BEM, and we cleared a lot of points for them. Answers are quite useful, so we decided to publish them free.

1. How easily is BEM kept maintainable long term?

Easy maintenance is what BEM was invented for.

Actually all the issues with CSS maintenance are because of cascade and strong coupling of components. And BEM is all about independence of blocks and reducing cascade to minimum level.

We have a lot of real experience with BEM on our portal and it proved to be a great solution.

Example 1.

ul a {
    position: absolute;

won't work as soon as you'll get second level of nesting for lists.

Example 2.

Considering menu can't have any other list items:

ul.menu li {

and then some components with own dropdown with own menu appear in list item.

2. The long class names can come off a bit intimidating and unfriendly for beginners using BEM. What is the justification behind the longer names? As it is now, we already have many people complaining when we use ui-button for a class name instead of btn, because the former is too long.

Well, BEM does not restrict usage of btn instead of button ;) You can consider any naming strategy you want. E.g.: context or ctx or c, attributes or attrs or as.

The choose is yours — BEM doesn't srink you.

There is still some "problem" with elements and modifiers, i.e. btn__txt and btn_hvrd, but we strongly believe that there's no real problem in typing. And of course there's no problem with kilobytes due to gzip. But what is really important for huge rapid projects which live for a long time is code readability and self-descriptive names of components is just a must.

Not so cool for common block library with a huge amount of users.

3. The namespacing decisions in general - members of our community would like a greater explanation of this.

That was something odd when we invented BEM. But right now that's a common idea: OOCSS, Atomic CSS, etc. and web components standard try to hide internal world of a block from other ones. Web components use shadow DOM, BEM uses namespacing to achieve the same result but without necessity to wait for support from browsers or any additional JS.

Historical reason of having namespaces for modifiers is that joined selectors like .a.b were not supported in old browsers. Not it's not a restriction but in BEM there's also a concept of mixes — possibility to have a few different entities on the same DOM node. And namespaces help to distinguish modifier of which block is it.

Without mixes it's possible to have .btn._hvrd but we are sure that mixes are useful thing.

But what is often left in shadow is possibility to mix different entities on the same DOM node. E.g. it's possible to have <input class="input form__login"> which means we've got an input block (can be reused somewhere else) and login element of form block at the same time. So everything about abstract input will be provided by .input selector and things like margins, etc — with .form__login.

4. Neutering the Cascading potential of CSS code by making everything overly specific.

Yes, that looks strange at the first sight but soon you'll find it very convenient. Cascade is cool for fast write-and-throw-away approach. But when we need bullet proof reusable components it just doesn't work.

Cascade creates strong coupling and results in impossibility to reuse such code.

5. The arbitrary distinction between blocks and elements.

Let's look at JS (actually OOP) analogy. JS class point [x, y] is just a field of Figure class or one more class Point. If it has a lot of methods it's most likely a class by its own. Otherwise field is enough. The same is for blocks and elements. It's always for your consideration.

With practice that's easier than it looks. When an entity is impossible without its parent — that's an element. When you find yourself trying to reuse an element somewhere in a project without its parent and inner complexity of element became bigger — that's a standalone block.

But what is often left in shadow is possibility to mix different entities on the same DOM node. E.g. it's possible to have <input class="input form__login"> which means we've got an input block (can be reused somewhere else) and login element of form block at the same time. So everything about abstract input will be provided by .input selector and things like margins, etc — with .form__login.

In the simplest form a block is represented by a single DOM node but generally blocks and DOM nodes are not the same thing.

Mixes are just the way to use several blocks and/or elements on the same DOM node.

That makes possible

  • combining behaviour and/or styling of different BEM entities without copy/paste
  • building new semantic components based on existed blocks.

For instance, we have a universal block logo (a block with a logotype) that could be used anywhere on a page: in header, inside copy, in the footer, etc. We can specify its width, height and a background image but what we do with its margins that differ from case to case?

Of course, we could use modifiers like logo_type_header or logo_type_content to do so. However it is wrong semantically, because such things should lay down within a scope of parent block’s responsibility. And giving the right to define such things to an inner block contradicts the whole idea of blocks independency.

That's where mixes shine:

<div class="header">
    <div class="header__logo logo"></div>
    width: 120px;
    height: 60px;
    background-image: url(logo.svg);

    margin: 12px 26px;

As you know there's no global modifiers in BEM methodology but again — mixes gives us possibility to achieve the same result with several different blocks on same DOM node.

Also you may want to use mixes to provide some arbitrary block with JS logic.

A single DOM node can represent:

  • several blocks <div class="menu head-menu"></div>
  • a block and an element of the same block <div class="menu menu__layout"></div>
  • a block and an element of another block <div class="link menu__link"></div>
  • elements of different blocks <div class="menu__item head-menu__item"></div>
  • a block with a modifier and another block <div class="menu menu_layout_horiz head-menu">
  • several different blocks with modifiers <div class="menu menu_layout_horiz head-toolbar head-toolbar_theme_black"><div>

So try to develop your blocks as small and reusable as possible and then combine them in any way you want to build huge applications!


Today there has been a BEM workshop in our company (SC5 Online, Helsinki, http://sc5.io/) We studied basics like CSS approach and modular file structure. People did their tasks one by one "at the stage" :-) These are the slides, and the task is inside http://varya.me/bem-css-workshop/

Finishing the tasks we could compare the changes we provided without BEM in mind https://github.com/varya/bem-css-workshop-source/pull/1/files and with BEM https://github.com/varya/bem-css-workshop-source/pull/2/files In my mind, it shows the different very clearly and it is easier to understand the idea of BEM. Even better than presentations and the articles.

BTW, I was surprised to learn that many don't know about BEM selectors supporting in SASS and LESS although this is at least 1-year-old feature.

How is it in your mind? Feel free to use slides.