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Here what I see on BEM site (https://en.bem.info/methodology/quick-start/#introduction):

Create an element If a section of code can't be used separately without the parent entity (the block).

The exception is elements that must be divided into smaller parts – subelements – in order to simplify development. In the BEM methodology, you can't create elements of elements. In a case like this, instead of creating an element, you need to create a service block.

Here is HTML of the page where that text is written:

<ul class="article__list">
   <li class="article__list-item"></li>
   <li class="article__list-item"></li>
   <li class="article__list-item"></li>
   <li class="article__list-item"></li>
   <li class="article__list-item"></li>
   <li class="article__list-item"></li>

It's obvious that article__list-item can't be re-used without article__list. Why isn't article__list block then?