





DEPS specification


DEPS is a technology for defining dependencies in BEM.

A DEPS entity is an entity that defines a dependency between BEM entities.

Dependencies are defined as JavaScript objects in files with the .deps.js extension.

The full notation of a DEPS entity looks like this:

/* DEPS entity */
    block: 'block-name',
    elem: 'elem-name',
    mod: 'modName',
    val: 'modValue',
    tech: 'techName',
    shouldDeps: [ /* BEM entity */ ],
    mustDeps: [ /* BEM entity */ ],
    noDeps: [ /* BEM entity */ ]

Note All fields are optional.


To abbreviate dependencies in comments, use the following notation:

DEPS syntax

A DEPS entity can be represented in the .deps.js file using:

    /* DEPS entity */
    /* DEPS entity */
    /* DEPS entity */

Fields of a DEPS entity

They can be divided into the following groups:

Note In addition to the fields described, you can use syntactic sugar to improve code readability.

Fields that define the BEM entity

The fields specify which BEM entity needs the dependencies included. They are optional and can be restored from the context by the file name.

So the statements for the file b1__e1_m1_v1.deps.js are equivalent to:

/* b1__e1_m1_v1 → b2 */
    block: 'b1',
    elem: 'e1',
    mod: 'm1',
    val: 'v1',
    shouldDeps: { block: 'b2' }
/* b1__e1_m1_v1 → b2 */
    shouldDeps: { block: 'b2' }


The block field sets the name of the block.

Type: String.

// Block b1
    block: 'b1'


The elem field sets the name of the element.

Type: String.

// Element b1__e1
    block: 'b1',
    elem: 'e1'


The mod field sets the name of the modifier for the block or element.

Type: String.

// Modifier of the block b1_m1 set to true
    block: 'b1',
    mod: 'm1'

// Modifier of the element b1__e1_m1 set to true
    block: 'b1',
    elem: 'e1',
    mod: 'm1'


The val field sets the modifier value. If val is omitted, the modifier is assumed to be set to true.

Type: String, Boolean.

The examples below specify the accepted data type:

Field that defines the implementation technology for the BEM entity

The tech field specifies which implementation technology to include the dependency for. If tech is omitted, the dependency is considered general and applies to all technologies.

Including dependencies for a technology is used, for example, to create a client JavaScript bundle that only has templates for the blocks that will be used in the browser. In this case, part of the templating happens on the server side, so some of the templates are never used in the client.

Type: String.

// Block b1 in JavaScript
    block: 'b1',
    tech: 'js'

Fields that define the dependency

The shouldDeps andmustDeps fields define the dependency, and noDeps cancels it


The shouldDeps field defines dependencies that can be included in any order.

Type: Object[].

/* b1 → BEM entity */
    block: 'b1',
    shouldDeps: [
        { /* BEM entity */ }


The mustDeps field specifies dependencies that are added to the build results before the code of the BEM entity where these dependencies are declared.

Type: Object[].

/* b1 ⇒ BEM entity */
    block: 'b1',
    mustDeps: [
        { /* BEM entity */ }


The noDeps field cancels existing dependencies declared on other redefinition levels.

Type: Object[].

/* common.blocks
   b1 → BEM entity */
    block: 'b1',
    shouldDeps: [
        { /* BEM entity */ }

/* desktop.blocks */
    block: 'b1',
    noDeps: [
        { /* BEM entity */ }

In this example, dependencies on the common.blocks level include a BEM entity that is necessary for implementing the b1 block. On the desktop.blocks level, this dependency is canceled.

Syntactic sugar


The elem field can accept an array of strings as a value (String[]):

// Elements b1__e1 and b1__e2
    block: 'b1',
    elem: [


The elems field sets the element name and expands into shouldDeps. So the statements for the file b1.deps.js are equivalent to:

    /* b1 → b1__e1; b1 → b1__e2 */
    block: 'b1',
    elems: [
    /* b1 → b1__e1; b1 → b1__e2 */
    block: 'b1',
    shouldDeps: [
        elem: [

Type: String, Object, String[], Object[].

The examples below specify the accepted data type:

ElemDepsEntity is a JavaScript object with the following fields:

/* elemDepsEntity */
    elem: 'elem-name',
    mod: 'modName',
    val: 'modValue',
    tech: 'techName',
    shouldDeps: [ /* BEM entity */ ],
    mustDeps: [ /* BEM entity */ ],
    noDeps: [ /* BEM entity */ ]

Note The elem field is required.


The mods field sets the modifier name and value and expands into shouldDeps. So the statements for the file b1.deps.js are equivalent to:

    /* b1 → b1_m1_v1; b1 → b1_m1_v2 */
    block: 'b1',
    mods: { m1: [
    /* b1 → b1_m1_v1; b1 → b1_m1_v2 */
    block: 'b1',
    shouldDeps: [
        block: 'b1',
        mod: 'm1',
        val: 'v1'
        block: 'b1',
        mod: 'm1',
        val: 'v1'

Type: String[], Object.

The examples below specify the accepted data type:

shouldDeps, mustDeps, noDeps

Type: String, Object, String[].

The examples below specify the accepted data type:

Examples of declarations

Including a block

b1 → b2 — block b1 is dependent on block b2.

The dependency can be declared as:

Including an element

b1 → b1__e1 — block b1 is dependent on its element b1__e1.

The dependency can be declared as:

Including a boolean modifier

b1 → b1_m1 — block b1 is dependent on its boolean modifier b1_m1.

The dependency can be declared as:

Including a key-value modifier

b1 → b1_m1_v1 — block b1 is dependent on its key-value modifier b1_m1_v1.

The dependency can be declared as:

Including dependencies for technology

b1.js → b2.bemhtml — block b1 in the JavaScript implementation is dependent on block b2 in the BEMHTML implementation

The dependency can be declared as:

elem & elems

Using the elem and elems fields together.

/* b1__e1 → b1__e2 */
    block: 'b1',
    elem: 'e1',  
    elems: [

Note Self-dependencies /* b1__e1 → b1__e1 */ don't have a purpose, so they are ignored.

mod & mods

Using the mod and mods fields together.

/* b1_m1_v1 → b1_m1_v2 */
    block: 'b1',   
    mod: 'm1',
    val: 'v1',
    mods: { m1: [

Note Self-dependencies /* b1_m1_v1 → b1_m1_v1 */ don't have a purpose, so they are ignored.

elems & mods

Using the elems and mods fields together.

/* b1 → b1__e1; b1 → b1_m1_v1 */
    block: 'b1',
    elems: 'e1',
    mods: { m1: 'v1' }