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I am using BEM for the first time in my latest project, using SASS and I love it. A lot of refactoring going on, however. One thing that I have not solved is the following, very common situation:

I have a block with a modifier, let's say .block, and .block_wide. In .block_wide there are multiple elements that will get minor tweaks depending on what block they are in. For example .block__image has to get a 100% width when the block is .block_wide. How to write this, preferably in scss?

This is the HTML situation:

<div class="block">
  <div class="block__image"></div>
<div class="block block_wide">
  <div class="block__image" /></div>

These are some wrong answers I came up with:

.block {
  &__image { width: 50%; }

// Block level modifier
  &_wide {
    &__image { // This does not work because it results in an entirely new class that is not used in the markup
      width: 100%;

In the previous "solution" I'm trying to write it the way I would like it to work but obviously it doesn't.

The next solution works but it feels absolutely wrong:

.block {
  &__image { 
    width: 50%;
    .block_wide & {
      width: 100%;

// Block level modifier 
  &_wide {} // Nothing here

Now there is no clarity in the source css at all and very quickly this will get out of hand. I'm probably trying to use BEM in a way that it's not meant to be used. If someone could enlighten me on the matter!

What is your opinion on USING SMACSS STATE CLASSES FOR COMMON MODIFIERS as suggested in this article?


Hi there.. i'm just beginning with BEM and love the concept but struggling a bit around with nested blocks. I want to build some kind of responsive teaser with a few elements inside.

This is what my html looks like:

<div class="teaser">

  <div class="teaser__background">

  <div class="teaser__featured-product"></div>

  <div class="teaser-content"> <!-- what about this correct naming and its children-elements? -->

    <div class="teaser-titles"> <!--same question here -->
      <p class="teaser-title__overline"></p>
      <h1 class="teaser-title__headline"></h1>
      <h2 class="teaser-title__subline"></h2>

    <div class="teaser-content__text">
      <p>Lorem ipsum..</p>

    <div class="teaser-content__legal">
      <p>1) Some terms...</p>

    <div class="teaser-content__manufacturer-logo"></div>


  <div class="teaser__ribbon"></div>


Inside of teaser I want to keep my content together in one block teaser-content for better positioning. So what would be the correct naming for the teaser-content-wrapper and then the following child-element teaser-titles?

I thought about a bit different version for example:

<div class="teaser-content">

    <!-- <div class="teaser-titles"> --> <!-- maybe we don't need it? -->
      <p class="teaser__title teaser__title--overline"></p>
      <h1 class="teaser__title teaser__title--headline"></h1>
      <h2 class="teaser__title teaser__title--subline"></h2>
    <!-- </div> -->

But questions are still the same. Hope really you can help me because this drives me crazy.

Greetings from the rainy Hamburg (Germany)

the posts in this forum? i want to post a question but can't find any description on how about to format my html code for better readability.

AFAIK, somewhere I have seen proof of the following things. Please confirm or disprove.

1) As DOM-tree and BEM-tree aren't required be the same, it's possible that the BEM-element is physically located outside its BEM-block in DOM and it is valid.

<div class="block">
<div class="block__element"> … </div>

2) For the same reason the elements of one block can be nested in another block, making intersection in the DOM-tree like:


or even like this:


Sometimes people write "BEM", sometimes "BEM 101". It's obvious what "BEM" comes from. But what is the source of "101" in the name..? I am so curious :)


I've been using the BEM approach for front-end web development a couple of years now (and it's just great!) but only yesterday I started to try out the BEMHTML template language. So far I like it a lot!

There's a couple of things though that I can't yet wrap my head around and can't find anything about in the docs either. So I hope to have some more luck here and hopefully also help others that might be facing the same problems.

Basically I would like to know how to be able to add custom CSS for a webpage that isn't directly block related. For example declarations for webfonts, normalize/reset css code, etc. I would still like to be able to use Stylus as preprocessor and have bem-tools generate and minify this CSS together with my blocks' CSS.

The same question goes for JS. What is the correct way to add JS libraries and custom JS code, preferably maintaining the possibility to have this combined/concatenated with the block level JS?

Thanks! :)

Hello I am going through the quickstart tutorial. One of the first things I noticed on getting it running is that the HTML generated is all on one line. I am looking for a way to have it display in a readable way. I have looked at enb-borschik>techs>borschik.js and have tried commenting out: line 69: .defineOption('minify', true) line 85: minimize: this._minify, and restarted the server, but still seeing it compressed to one line. please let me know what to change to fix this. Thank You


I have a big disscusson with my colleague and would love to get your feedback.

I am building a website and have seen some areas, wich are reusable. They share the same HTML construct and looks similar. Example:

    <nav class="navigation navigation_main">
        <ul class="navigation__list">
            <li class="navigation__item"><a class="navigation__link">Item 1</a></li>
            <li class="navigation__item"><a class="navigation__link">Item 2</a></li>
            <li class="navigation__item"><a class="navigation__link">Item 3</a></li>
        <nav class="navigation navigation_meta">
            <ul class="navigation__list">
                <li class="navigation__item"><a class="navigation__link"><span class="svg-icon svg-icon_search"></span></a></li>
                <li class="navigation__item navigation__item_active"><a class="navigation__link">DE</a></li>
                <li class="navigation__item"><a class="navigation__link">EN</a></li>

My colleague says, that the navigations have to be named different:

    <nav class="main-navigation">
        <ul class="main-navigation__list">
            <li class="main-navigation__item"><a class="main-navigation__link">Item 1</a></li>
            <li class="main-navigation__item"><a class="main-navigation__link">Item 2</a></li>
            <li class="main-navigation__item"><a class="main-navigation__link">Item 3</a></li>
    <nav class="meta-navigation">
        <ul class="meta-navigation__list">
            <li class="meta-navigation__item"><a class="meta-navigation__link"><span class="svg-icon svg-icon_search"></span></a></li>
            <li class="meta-navigation__item meta-navigation__item_active"><a class="meta-navigation__link">DE</a></li>
            <li class="meta-navigation__item"><a class="meta-navigation__link">EN</a></li>

The navigations (there are some additional navigation in the footer and for social media icons, too) looks very similar. They differ in font size and paddings/margins. I see great advance in the first solution, because it is very modular and reusable. The end code is smaller. My colleague says, nesting (i.e. .navigation_meta .navigation__item{}) is evil and should be avoided, whenever possible (i.e .meta-navigation__item{}).

Who is right?

  1. Any well-known websites use BEM, other than Yandex?
  2. In BEM, each block on a page has their own css file, would this increase the page loading time?

Many thanks!

Question from https://github.com/fabm22: Hi, is there some tooling for checking the structure of CSS code following BEM approach and having and some warnings if there are errors? Thanks a lot